How does england win the naval battle against the spanish armada
How does england win the naval battle against the spanish armada

how does england win the naval battle against the spanish armada

The war was mainly naval, as it was effectively fought between an island country and a nation whose domains at the time spread literally all around the world. Consequently, the reader might be surprised to find out that the Armada was not some sort of arc-ending final defeat for the Spanish Empire, but just a chapter more of a long war of attrition that featured multiple wins and losses in both sides, and whose immediate result actually leaned to the Spanish at the time.

how does england win the naval battle against the spanish armada

The average reader will surely know what we are talking about by learning this was the war of the Spanish Armada, that one time where the Spaniards gathered a giant fleet to invade England only to be wrecked by the brave English and a timely storm, as this is basically the only thing in the entire war that transcended into popular culture, mainly due to a heavy dose of historical romanticization, decontextualization and, why not to say it, propaganda, a field in which Spain would be a perennial loser. It was the first major war between those nations, or rather the first of a long list that would eventually reach into the last throes of Spanish power in the 19th century.

how does england win the naval battle against the spanish armada

The 1585-1604 Anglo-Spanish War was a large-scale conflict, subsumed as part of The Eighty Years' War, that saw the clash of the Spanish Empire at its territorial peak and the Kingdom of England with its various allies.

How does england win the naval battle against the spanish armada